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Movie Night At The White House A Century Of Screenings Decoded

Movie Night at the White House: A Century of Screenings Decoded

What the Leader of the Free World Watches

October 4, 2021 | 12:00 AM | Joe Biden

President Joe Biden received his third COVID-19 vaccination shot last week. But what else has been happening at the White House lately? You might be surprised to learn that the White House has its own movie theater, and it's been in operation for over a century!

The White House Family Theater is located in the East Wing of the White House. It has 42 seats in tiered rows, and it's equipped with a state-of-the-art sound system and a 4K projector. The First Family and their guests can watch current movies, sports games, and TV shows in the theater.

The White House Family Theater has been used by presidents and their families for decades. President Woodrow Wilson was the first president to use the theater, and he watched silent films there. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was a big fan of movies, and he often watched them in the theater with his family and friends.

President John F. Kennedy was also a fan of movies, and he often invited celebrities to watch movies with him in the theater. President Ronald Reagan was a big fan of Westerns, and he often watched them in the theater with his wife, Nancy.

President Bill Clinton was the first president to use the theater to host public events. He held several movie screenings for children in the theater, and he also hosted a screening of the film "Titanic" for survivors of the Titanic disaster.

President George W. Bush also used the theater to host public events. He held several movie screenings for military families in the theater, and he also hosted a screening of the film "Saving Private Ryan" for veterans of World War II.

President Barack Obama was the first president to use the theater to host a live event. He hosted a live performance of the musical "Hamilton" in the theater in 2016.

President Donald Trump did not use the theater as much as other presidents. However, he did host a few movie screenings in the theater, including a screening of the film "The Greatest Showman" in 2017.

President Joe Biden has not yet used the theater, but he is expected to use it in the future. The White House Family Theater is a unique and historic place, and it's a reminder that even the most powerful people in the world need to relax and enjoy a good movie from time to time.
